Rockstar Avalanche Paige-ET-IMP GP84 (2yr)
Her Chief daughter sells at the Cherrylock 'Party at the Park' sale.
Holstein enthusiasts are in for a treat this month, with three major sales taking place during March.
March is sale season with first cab off the rank being last weekend’s Settlement Sale at Simpson Pub, VIC, which achieved a great result an average overall of $5,335 and top of $11,000 for Lot 2, purchased by Hallyburton Farms.
It was busy at the pub, plus over 400 people logged on from right across Australia, and even some internationals!
Click to see Brian Leslie’s video wrap of the sale. And hats off to HA members Judson Jennings and Fiona Hanks for their work in making the whole thing happen!
Account: David & Trudy Fiebig
Wednesday, 8th March 2023 - 12 noon
Mortlake Selling Centre
55 Magnificent Holsteins
*45 Autumn Calving Heifers, mostly due to sexed AI
*5 Winter Calving Heifers, due to sexed AI
*5 Cows Prod to 526 kgs fat.
The Heifers selling are from dams prod to 13,633 litres, 428 kgs protein, 526 kgs fat.
Dams to 111,273 litres, 3565 kgs protein, 4159 kgs fat lifetime.
Dams are class to EX92, include 4 gens EX and 16 gens EX & VG
Click here for Warramont catalogue.
Thursday, 23rd March 2023 - 7.30pm
Quality Hotel Parklake Shepparton - 48 Wyndham St, Shepparton
Sale animals to be inspected on farm at Cherrylock via appointment. See catalogue, page 4, for details.
Highlights include:
- Windy Vale Warrior Rose VG85 (2yrs) - a daughter of Markwell Black Rose EX90
- Chief Grand daughter of Triple T Platinum EX 95
- First pick heifer from Strans-Jen D Tequila-RED EX96
- 2 daughters of Bluechip EV Shesawesome Apple-ET-RED EX92-3E (Grand Champion & Best Udder - Red & White Show IDW 2023)
- Delta Lambda from maternal line of Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX92 -1E 17SBC