Avonlea Celebration Sale breaks Australasian record!

Avonlea Celebration Sale - Top Lot:
Avonlea-YF Tatoo Connie sold for $32,000 (Photo credit: Bradley Cullen)
With a reputation as outstanding as Avonlea Holsteins, there was always going to be a high level of interest in the Avonlea Celebration Sale, held on farm in Nar Nar Goon, Victoria earlier this year.
This high level of interest transformed into a brand-new Australasian Record Average for a Single Vendor Dairy Sale - with an incredible average of $11,237 across 60 lots!
John Gardiner and family were blown away by the results of the sale:
'A truly humbling result, one which we never expected. Thank you to all the purchases, under bidders and everyone who gave their support."
Backed by 4 generations of EX; Avonlea-YF Tatoo Connie not only opened the sale but topped it at an impressive $32,000, sold to G & C Peatling of Katunga, Victoria.
The second top selling lot was a superb daughter of the 2021 Victorian Winter Fair Champion Murribrook Reginald Victory. Avonlea Denver Victoria sold to Eloora Pastoral Co in Blighty, NSW for $28,000.
Heading to the same destination was Avonlea Denver Butter, who is backed by 6 generations of EX dams and great value at $16,000. She is joined by Avonlea Thunderstorm Bree, from Grantley Reginald Biddy EX91-2E, also for $16,000.
The famed Glenalbas herd also purchased a daughter of Reginald Victory, in Avonlea Denver Victory for $26,000, along with Avonlea Sidekick Anna, daughter of 2021 Victorian Winter Fair, Intermediate Best Udder winner, Avonlea Unix Anna 2nd-ET VG87, for $22,000.
The Clydebank herd of Ross and Linda Somerville paid $24,000 for Avonlea Kingdoc Tammy - a daughter of All Australian Aged Cow, Avonlea Dempsey Tammy EX93-3E.
Nathan Smith of Hightop Holsteins in Congupna, Victoria took home Avonlea Master Alana, daughter of Avonlea Sanchez Alana EX93-2E, for $22,000, while Somerelle Holsteins purchased Avonlea Denver Reba from Avonlea Aftershock Reba EX92-1E, for $21,000.
Regular Avonlea purchasers in Gorbro Holsteins took home Avonlea Kingdoc Kaye for $20,000, along with Avonlea Denver Butterbrook, who is backed by 6 generations of EX, for $18,000.
P. Fullerton of Nirranda purchased the very stylish Avonlea Sidekick Anna 2 for $16,000.
With thanks to Brian Leslie of DLS for his contributing comments.