2022 Australian YBS team
Georgia Sieben, Kaitlyn Wishart, Courtney Afford,
Nathan Hart and Andrew Gray
Applications are open to 18-25 year olds, planning a future career in the industry.
As well as competing at the School, the Australian team will take part in an educational tour through Holland and Belgium. The five-day event, run by the Association Wallonne de l'Elevage, involves hands-on workshops including bedding, showmanship & clipping, as well as classroom-based sessions such as marketing and herd promotion. After three days of workshops and practice, participants put their skills to the test in stock judging, showmanship & calf classes.
Rohan Butler, Holstein Australia Chief Executive Officer, says the Association is proud to support the Australian 2023 Young Breeders School team.
“This initiative has been put together to assist emerging leaders in the dairy industry develop valuable leadership skills. It also presents a unique opportunity to experience that first hand and start building international relationships early in one’s career,” says Rohan.
Entry is open to Australian residents aged 18 to 25 years (on 25th August 2023). Applicants must have a track record that demonstrates a high level of skill and expertise in the preparation of cattle for showing and an intention to continue working or develop a career in the dairy industry.
Applications are invited from people representing all dairy breeds from all states and territories. To be eligible for the trip applicants must be able to travel between Saturday, 26th August and Friday, 8th September 2023. Team members from 2019 and 2022 are ineligible for the 2023 team.
Application should be made via email to jersey@jersey.com.au by the closing date of 5pm, Wednesday 26th April 2023. Applications must include a covering letter covering the points below and resume, to include both a personal and dairy industry referee. The covering letter must demonstrate:
- Your intention to pursue or continue a career in the dairy industry.
- Why you believe you should be chosen to represent Australia at the Young Breeders School.
- What you hope to learn from taking part in the Young Breeders School and educational tour.
- Entries close: 5pm - Wednesday, 26th April, 2023
- Interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place shortly afterwards
- Successful applicants announced in June
- The 2023 Young Breeders School takes place in Battice, Belgium from 30th August - 3rd September 2023.
- Educational tour taking in some of Holland and Belgium's premium dairy regions with dates of travel expected to be 26th August - 8th September 2023.
Further information is available from Amanda Glossop on 0409 926 429 or aglossop@holstein.com.au.
Terms and Conditions: Click here.